Location:OBA Neighborhood
Total Parcel Area: 2.141,22 m²
Total Number of Apartments:24 APARTMENTS
Dare Sizes:
1+1 APARTMENT ; 46m²-52m²
2+1 apartment; 88m²
3+1 apartment ; 160 m²
Construction Start Date:01.08.2021
Construction Bts Date:28.02.2023
Distance to Alanya Hospital 1500 m
Distance to Alanya Center 5 Km
Distance to the Sea 2,5 Km
Airport Distance 35 Km
60×120 Granite paving floors
Lacquered Kitchen Cabinets
Black Star Galaxy Color Granite Kitchen Countertops
Insulated and insulated joinery
Special design steel door with double safety binoculars
Lacquer Painted Special Design Interior Doors
-Outdoor swimming pool
-Children’s playground
-Sitting area
-Barbecue area
-7/24 Security service
-Fitness salon
-Shower and dressing room
-Table tennis
-rest room