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Going down? Real estate sales statistics in Turkey.

Going down? Real estate sales statistics in Turkey. Turkish Statistics Institute published data on real estate sales in Turkey for July 2022. Overall, over the period January - July home sales in Turkey rose by 24.2%, but in July compared to June sales declined by 12.9%. Most transactions for the purchase of real estate took place traditionally in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir. Home sales to foreigners...


RELOCATE TO TURKEY IN 2022 Moving to Turkey today: "5 very useful tips for those already living in Turkey" In the past years, the relocation of foreigners who would settle in Turkey depended on luck because 5 to 10 years ago, the number of foreign nationals living in Turkey was much less than today. Therefore, the problems that foreign nationals could face were high. Today, the number of foreign...

Is Buying Property In Turkey A Good Idea?

Is Turkey A Good Place To Invest In Property? Every real estate purchase is an investment regardless of your purpose when buying it in the first place. Hence, as a buyer, you would probably expect an investment return within a reasonable time. Or, you want to keep the value of the money you have spent on the property. If you are looking for a good place to invest in property, keep reading to find out the...

A New Level For The Property Market In Turkey, What Is The Metaverse ?

A New Level For The Property Market In Turkey , What Is The Metaverse? The Metaverse is the term used to describe virtual alternative worlds. Unlike our planet, what exists today is not one, but more than one metaver. However, the essence of each of them is basically the same: to provide online spaces that allow people to interact with each other in a more immersive and comprehensive way. This “new”...

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