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Life in Turkey in the pros and cons

Life in Turkey in the pros and cons 

Life in Turkey

For natives of post-Soviet countries, the South Republic is a country that is exotic by default. Studying property prices in Turkey, a potential investor is both interested in the exotic and wary of it. But of course it is worth sticking to the ‘golden mean’. No need to dare to move to a Turkish town without learning the realities of life in this country. But you should also not give up on your dream if you don’t understand the specifics of the country.

Differences for newcomers

The first thing to remember is that the inhabitants of the Southern Republic are Muslims. There are also people of other religions living here. In general, the Turkish population is very tolerant and friendly towards newcomers. It is not easy to see the difference in cultures, which is determined by religion, although many women in Turkey wear more closed clothes, but there are also plenty of European-dressed women here. This does not mean that anyone is better or worse, just that these differences should be taken for granted and be prepared for them internally.

Turkey is a country of tradition, where the word Family is very important. For visiting foreigners, it is worth taking a closer look at how Turks behave in public. You don’t want to ride in public transport wearing beachwear, or even just shorts! When planning a trip to the Republic of South Africa you must take this into account. One should not provoke the local population by going deliberately against the established norms and traditions.

You can also notice a strong patriotism of the inhabitants of Turkey. You should be morally ready for it, too. Here at home on holidays are covered with national flags. The same symbols decorate the cars. The locals are very peaceful. Their patriotism does not entail negative consequences for migrants. When communicating with the South Koreans, it is better to remember that they genuinely love their country, they are proud of it, so they will not allow any outbursts against it.

A separate preparation is required for motorists when travelling to Turkey. The roads here are excellent, with many modern motorways. There is a specificity of driving in the local population, they can sometimes run a red light, but the driving culture is getting better and better every year. So it is better to be ready for abrupt maneuvers, dangerous rearrangements.

But all the visitors, without exception, are amazed by the local friendliness and sociability. On boarding a bus, people say hello to one another without knowing each other. Help and support is very common. The elderly and women are respected on public transport, giving up their seats gladly, rather than being pressured by the opinions of others.

The benefits of moving

Of course, many tourists are attracted to Turkey primarily as a country with a very pleasant climate and a generous and varied nature. But the list of its advantages is not limited to that. There are many advantages that a foreigner will feel after moving to the South Republic.

Very nice that the purchase of a flat in Turkey can be accompanied by a residence permit. In general, life here is relatively inexpensive. Including real estate prices are pleasant. The country is developed, located at the crossroads of transport links. So it is easy to get to different parts of the world.

Turkey is extremely rich in historical and cultural heritage. So you can discover it for years to come. It is also quite favourable to the environmental situation. And what else makes people from the former Soviet Union is an abundance of sun. After all, about 95% of the days of the year are sunny and clear.

Turkey has excellent medicine. So you can rely on qualified help in case of need. On the whole, the South Republic is considered to be fairly free of bureaucracy. It is relatively easy to deal with officials. Very pleased with the quality of food and its variety. Not to mention the local cuisine, which is well worth getting to know in person.

Disadvantages of living in Turkey

First of all, the average migrant will have to tune in to problems with employment. Of course, if you buy a property in Kemer or another region, you don’t have to worry about a roof over your head. But you still have to worry about finding a way to make a living. Many people set up their own business, the more so as the country’s laws do not differentiate between locals and foreigners.

On average, salaries in the country are not high, compared to Europe. The minimum wage is around $400. In order to make life easier it is better to learn Turkish. This is not an easy task, but it is not difficult either, as there are many Turkish language courses available, both for free and for a fee.

Having obtained a residence permit, a migrant can be sure that after five years, if the relevant rules are followed, he or she can apply for Turkish citizenship.

It is worth realising that it can be cold in winter in Turkey too. But not all houses are prepared for a cold spell. So it is important to bear this in mind when choosing a property for purchase. Another nuance – the high price of gasoline and electricity. So these items of expenditure will take a big chunk out of the budget.

Finally, for all their friendliness, the locals cannot be called particularly punctual or obliging. We, accustomed to hectic pace of life and career race, find this particularly irritating.

Turkey is peculiar, but also interesting. You can move here knowing that the country is specific. In this case, its features will be easier to get used to, especially since it has a lot more pluses than minuses.


Property sales to foreigners in Turkey are strong, reaching record levels



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